This is my response to a random hindu in twitter!
This is my response to “satchitanandareflections” hi there.. my first blog and i am going to be responding to a random guy in twitter who asked me to see his objections to Christianity .. something called Jehovism Deconstructed (link - ) i dont like or prefer christians to be giving lectures on hindu doctrines anymore than the hindus doing the same.. but none the less i appreciate this article written by this Mr. Satchitanandam simply because he took out the time to express his opinions and concerns about christian doctrines and its ramifications, which is riddled with logical fallacies and lack of understanding basic theology. let me start of with some basics in theistic philosophy before we can get to the individual questions and rants of Mr. Satchitanandam 1) omnipotence is the ability to do anything and everyt...