This is my response to a random hindu in twitter!

This is my response to “satchitanandareflections”

hi there..

my first blog and i am going to be responding to a random guy in twitter who asked me to see his objections to Christianity  .. something called 

Jehovism Deconstructed

(link - )


i dont like or prefer christians to be giving lectures on hindu doctrines anymore than the hindus doing the same.. but none the less i appreciate this article written by this Mr. Satchitanandam simply because he took out the time to express his opinions and concerns about christian doctrines and its ramifications, which is riddled with logical fallacies and lack of understanding basic theology.


let me start of with some basics in theistic philosophy before we can get to the individual questions and rants of Mr. Satchitanandam


1)    omnipotence is the ability to do anything and everything that is logical. (Matthew 19.26, Luke 1.37, Jeremiah 32.17, John 1.3) that is how it has been classically defined. Its not the ability to make contradictory things like a square circle or a married batchelor!



Application -  

Can God make a human who is free willed and at the same time fully control what he does? NO

Can God make a person free willed and at the same time do things in this world (in this timeframe) in his own timing (like bring judgment day before the completion of time) ? NO

Can God appear as Jesus and force people to believe in him? NO

Can God send people to Heaven or Hell without their choice or decision? NO

Can God become a Non - God? NOOO...


should this mean that God is not omnipotent? NO ... the absence of inability to do the logically impossible is not a defect, it itself denotes omniscience!


2) Omnipresence is the pervading presence in everyplace in every time frame in every dimension at the same time. (Psalms  139.7-10,  Proverb 15.3, Jeremiah 23.24, Colossians 1.17) 


Applications - 

Does this mean that God is present in Hell? YES (2 Thessalonians 1.7-9)...BUT!... hell is a place where his Glory, his love , power, joy will be absent and not necessarily his Presence fully. hell is not a evil place, it is merely the place where evil people/beings exist (just as on earth u will have good and bad people existing IN GOD (Acts 17.28). but in Hell his attributes of Justice, Anger on Evil will be what is manifested , not a total absence


Does it mean that Hell is present in God, meaning evil is within God? yes it is inside the presence of God , but not necessarily within the being of God! (if you are a Pantheist, than this is a problem for you,.. in classical Judeo-Christian theism God is not a part of his creation..)


3) Omnibenevolence is the being of absolute goodness , justice, righteousness, order, compassion, mercy forgiveness and so on.  (John 3.16, psalms 145.17, James 1.17, Hebrews 1.3). 


Does it mean that the presence of evil suffering and diseases are proof that God is incompassionate?

again this is a contradiction, can God create a Free world with Free humans and still produce a perfectly good situation like himself? , NO he cant, but that is what is logically impossible! omnipotence is the ability to do anything and everything logically possible!


presence of HELL is proof that god is incompassionate ? God is to be taken as a being , not as a mathematical abstract concept! He is Loving, Caring , Forgiving Merciful..... but dont stop there... he is also Just, Angry at what is evil,  Jealous of his creation, persistent and unchanging.... so just as the love of God is demonstrated through Jesus (john 3.16) and the chance to be with God in his presence in heaven , his justice and righteousness also demands that those who are unjust, evil and sinful be separated from his presence ( a choice that the freewilled human makes, not something imposed on them 1 timothy 2.4, hell was not even prepared for humans, it was meant for the demons who rebelled against God Matthew 25.41)


the damnation of non christians and those who never heard of the gospel makes god unjuist and incompassionate? God is exclusive, i know of no religion or philosophy that claims all religions are valid! ex. bhagavat gita 9.30 - shows how chanting of 'only' rama will deliver the sinner! this is a classical example of the law of non contradiction in philosophy.  Either all religions are false or Only one can be true!. i believe it is christainity and you Hinduism 


4) omniscient – all knowing



if God already knew satan ->adam and -> the people of this earth would sin, does it make God a sinner? NO it doesn’t … that is the whole point of creating Freewilled beings, god can be held responsible for the sins of humans only if man is deterministic! Just as we cannot be put in jail for a murder that my son commits, we cannot even question or ask God if he is responsible for our mistakes!


Couldn’t he stop it? He can but that would mean controlling freewill beings! He cant contradict , remember?


Doesn’t he know? Than isn’t he responsible? Prior knowledge is not Predetermination, I know that when I let my son to go out and ride his cycle, he will at on point or other fall and abrade his knees! That is knowledge , and not my doing!, God knows what choices we will make, but doesn’t determine those choices.

following are videos from Reasonablefaith youtube channel to discuss on the problem of evil


World is a imperfect place / sinful place – therefore God who made it must also be imperfect or sinful -  NOPE! Its not.. this is a nonsequitor, and not a logical conclusion, an absolutely perfect artist can make a completely bad and ugly painting. It really is a preference of that artist. So as a Omnibenevolent and Omniscient God , he only needs to create a “GOOD” world, not a “PERFECT” world. I suppose you would agree that this world is atleast a good world in many sense! This is a fallacy trying to determine the attribute of the cause from the effect – like almost saying the white egg must have been laid by a white hen! :P


Christians Doctrines that are misunderstood

1) Book of Genesis – flat earth, star studded sky, man created in god’s image , breath of god is soul of man? Why create so much? image of god – does god have a body than?

Video explaining genesis from Inspiring Philosophy youtube channel

INTERPRETATION The scholarly interpretation of genesis is that it has a poetic and allegoric framework, example - read genesis 1 and genesis 2, you will see two creation accounts, one centered around god and one around adam. That itself is simple enough to prove that it is not an historic account of origin of man 6000 yrs ago! The majority of scholarly Christian thinking right from the time of St. Augustine (4th century ACE) is that WE CANT interpret genesis creation story literally!

Again a claim is being made that genesis teaches flat earth (kindly quote the verses) and that stars are studded in a dome shaped sky. EVEN IF THAT IS TRUE! It is irrelevant as the creation story is a theological exegesis and not a scientific treatise.

IMAGE OF GOD – image of God means the special privilege of being created by god with ‘freewill’ and a ‘thinking rational mind’ .. are animals and plants also created in the image of God? No!. there is no theological interpretation that “the breath of God produces spirit in the man”. Does god have a body ? again nonsequitor trying to analyse the cause from its effect. Illogical!


WASTEFUL VAST CREATIONS LIKE THE TRENCH, OUTER SPACE ETC – is something wasteful because you and I don’t see it or experience it? Such a narcissistic attitude doesn’t take us anywhere but shows the stupidity of the question. Studies in the teleological fine tuning argument for God has shown that all factors of the universe including its vastness is a prerequisite for life on earth to exist. So there is nothing wasteful, and the universe is not here for your sake or my sake. It is here to speak of the glories of its creator.


2) Free- will –

One of the reasons why we are said to be created in the image of god is that we are not ‘automatons’/ ‘robots’ as satchinanandham claims!. That exactly is the reason why God created freewilled independent self aware and thinking beings unlike the plants and animals (most of them) which are driven by emotional and impulse and beyond thinking and rationaling… but what is the use of freewill

- only a free willed being can love! Both your Dog and your Wife “love” you, but they are not in the same plane of “love” (hopefully) the dog is driven by passion and impulse were as your wife loves you out of volition and decision

-only a free willed being can produce maximal good in this world – without freewill we would be automatons and robots as sathcinanandham has pointed out,. That is not a great creation? Creating freewilled beings is greater than creating simple blindly order following automatons!


- God can act only through the choices and decisions of mankind

- God’s timing will be withhead for the sake of the freewilled beings – ex- god knows who will believe him and who wont, than he could straigawaycastcas the bad people in hell even without giving them a chance to be born and live a life!.. that is not possible because he cannot contradict himself nor determine a person’s fate beyond that person’s will or choice

- sending so many prophets and teachers to warn Israel before sending Jesus – it’s not a failed mission in any sense, because u cant expect god to be contradictory and do the illogical, namely create //fully freewilled beings and yet fully control them// … so di God fail to correct his creation or fail to redeem them for 1000s of years? No … We have failed to follow God and destroyed our own chance of redemption.

-why wait for 1000s of years before sending Jesus -  the same as above, the timing of Gods intervention is atleast partly determined by his creation, it is a voluntary restriction he applies to himself, and remain faithful to his own words



3) Original Sin

A thorough confusion of the Original sin is prevalent amongst the hindus, which I will attempt to explain in another article or video maybe.

Romans 5.12 – therefore , just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people because all men sinned.

Matthew 19.14 - Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

Genesis 6.12 - God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their (own) ways 

The following verses show how God will not pass on sin from father to son, (though in the oldtestament the consequences of sin could be passed from father to son)

"The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father; neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." Ezekiel 18:20

"The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." Deuteronomy 24:16



4) why Israel and not other countries (older civilisations) – this begs the question. Why didn’t God choose America or Israel to reveal his vedas to him but only to the rishis of india? This is a pointless question.


5)– no other historical document from 5th century bce to 5th century ace has the level of historicity that the gospels and newtestament has! you will have a majority of even secular atheistic scholars who agree to that, I suppose satchinanandham has made no attempt to study them before commenting this

6) internal inconsistencies in gospel, resurrection – every historian and every lawyer knows this is OKAY! … and this is EXPECTED. Simply because the gospels are not forgeries written by conspiring but independent testimonies and witnesses to the event – hence one would say 2 women went to the tomb and another mentions more or less numbers. And historians can easily harmonise these gospels to show the actual history.

7) virgin birth – original sin – satcinanandham’s own words proves w, I am saying here, namely that Jesus cannot be sinless just because he  was born of a virginwvirgin  I agree that’s why I feel his explanation of original sin is flawed and illogical.

Is virgin birth true or false? Whatever it is, it is not necessarily the central doctrine of Christianity , and he assumes that by proving that parthenogenesis or single mother embryo creation by science will debunk virgin birth? Seriously? So if I can make a cake in my house, it proves that there are no bakers outside who makes cakes… or that if I manage to built a car by myself in my garage, that proves that Hendry Ford who invented the car doesn’t exist? 

8) what about sinner before and after jesus? – the Christian understanding is that Jesus suffered and died as God in Being of Man, which is eternally and infinitely sufficient to legally cancel the sins of all of mankind both past and future.

John 8.56 – Abraham was looking forward and put his faith in god for his salvation

Psalams 110 – David prophesied about the messiah and had pit his faith in Jesus God for his salvation

9) what about those who never heard the gospel?

As I already mentioned, we will be judged by our works , wheather that work is sufficient or not is to be determined by God who is the Judge of all the earth. You and I maynot have a say on his judgements. He is the creator and he alone has the power and the omniscience to decide on this

10) was jesus sent to hell for our sins – in a sense he was, he tasted death and hell on behalf of all mankind.

11) god wills that all people be saved? Than why send to hell?

Because freewill! Even though it is God’s will that all men be saved, he cannot override mans’s will. That was the definition of omnipotence as explained before

15) children who die young are saved but why not those who never heard the gospel.

Because children are innocent whereas adults have a conscience, based on which god will judge them and they have to show their deeds to show their righteousness ( which no man is capable of, being absolutely sinless and pure to obey his own conscience from birth to death)

 thats all for now ! i suppose i have opened up a pandoras box for further study and debate. my interaction with satchitanandareflections ends here... hopefully he would study more and analyse more before coming to rash conclusions and i beleive he has barely scratched on the surface of judeo christian worldview!much less debunked it

thank you until next time



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